A Tip on SL Gifting

Here's a little tip on the SL gifting to receive and send multiples of every gift. It increases how many you can send and receive. 

1.        Before you start accepting your gifts, open multiple tabs of the gift page on your browser. 
2.        Once you have your tabs open, start with one tab and accept and return. DO NOT close this tab when you finish, move to the next tab. 
3.        You can continue to accept and return, even when your first tab says you have reached your limit, you can continue to collect on your other open tabs.
4.        If you have this set up with another sister to pass back and forth, each time you receive you will get double or triple what you have sent, depending on how many tabs you have open.
5.        If you do this right, you will be FLOODED with gifts!
  • The gifts will count only for the 'accepts' in the first tab NOT the other subsequent tabs.  The way the gifting thing works is YOU are RETURNING the gifts Multiple times over so your sister will send them back to YOU.
  • The next time that your sister accepts her gifts, she's returning double what she'd returned last time. You will be getting BACK as much as you sent her. 
  • Even if you receive plenty of gifts, the gifting limit still applies. Ex: 50 tickets per day.


Delphiarich said...

This sounds great but how do you open multiple gift tabs?

jade19 said...


Cristiana Cristina said...

it's not working :( sorry!

SLTips said...

Open up several tabs on your browser and on each tab, go to your SL gift center. Then start collecting and sending gifts.

Kristina Marie Browning said...

I kind of figure that SL monitors pages for "tips" like this and fixes them as soon as they can... they have taken all the fun out of this game for me not to mention that most of the "games, galas, wheels etc" are fixed and just give you the same stuff over and over, it's just a scam to get you to buy BP's, which I used to do but no more.  

lila vintoya said...

So Their For What Your Saying Is Technically You Cannot Receive Anymore Gifts But The Limited So Than What Does This Really Matter !

Prettycutensassy said...

Don't blame Lilly's kindness if you're too dumb to get what she means. You basically have to open three (that's just an example, you can open more if you want) tabs all on the same page (SL receiving gifts page) and you accept and return the gifts on all three pages. So this means that you're accepting and returning three times what your friend sent you. When your friend opens her account, she'll see she has three times more gifts than what she sent, and she'll accept and return all those gifts to you. This means that, in the end, you will have three times the gifts in the space of minutes. 

Gillian Alexandra said...

So if you have already reached 50 gifts, it doesnt work?

Ziba -Laleh Forutan said...

This works perfectly for the unlimited stuff, if you are swapping with a few people.

Sorority_em said...

So, i haven't been able to open my gift pages. It says i have "NO GIFTS" But at my home screen it shows i have 6 pending sister requests. (and i usually max out on gifts everyday.. so i know they are there) Any help suggestions? I have also tried BOTH internet explorer, and Fire fox.. PLEASE HELP!

Aross2386 said...

I switched to Google Chrome when I was having issues (posting things to my news feed) with SL and I haven't had an issue sense, unless it is SL itself, which there is always an issue. lol

Sorority_em said...

Yes, i have  tried google chrome too.. :( This is so frustrating! I just want to collect fairy tale tickets!

 Playdom has posted this link on their website, But it doesn't explain much. I really hope they fix it soon. http://support.playdom.com/entries/20416096-why-can-t-i-send-or-receive-gifts

also i can not figure out how to accept gifts through my homepage like i originally did, before they changed the gift page. 
-A very frustrated sorority life player 

Ramona Mihu said...

Also i saw something .. I claim 69 Lipstick in one day and did not say that i claimed too much .. I hope I help you with this tip :).Kisses <3

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